Open question about path


"Path Dependency", "lock-in", "resilience". 

I am intrigued by the notion of "path" because I get the intuition, but to prove it for city and regional development as well as careers is quite challenging, but it's so crucial. 

It's not about punctual decisions, it's about chains of events. Someone’s life is not just one decision, but a set of decisions that lead us to a path or another, which shapes the decision we will be allowed to make. A punctual decision is not that interesting, it’s more about the whole path, within the path or “path changing”. 

However, how to identify paths for cities, regions, life, careers, even love. If I’m here, it’s because the path 
I decided to follow within the given possibilities I had. 

Ferretti sings “geography is destiny”. I was born in a quite lucky part of the world, still I had to emigrate because of the very bad socio-economic conditions. I don’t complain in total, but other people around me had different paths, notably those from southern Italy… 

What is a path? How to define? How to operationalize it?

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