Hopeless Italy


We're now discovering a huge network of corruption in Italy where business and politics are so close that you can't understand what's going on. This is Mafia, also if there're some other names and brands and persons involved.

However, Italy is an hopeless country because people doesnt' care. The problem of Italy is not Mafia and corruption, but the fact that we don't care about these problems.

At least, some years ago people went insulting Craxi launching coins: symbol of an (unpolite) way to show that they were distusted by that system. Now, it's even worst, but nobody cares and in the square there're always the same people facing each other their different flags.

I've lost hope for my country, I'm just looking for other ways, almost if Italy doesnt' surprise me with something I can't expect now.

4 commenti:

Luciano Raso 22 luglio 2010 alle ore 13:33  

Dear Nicola,
It is a shared feeling. No more hope. It is terrible. I did my choice. I left a sinking boat without opportunities for us. I took my decision and i am satisfied. Now, when i open an italian newspaper, i look at it as a lost far country, where i'll keep on go on holiday. Coming back? that's something else.

D21 22 luglio 2010 alle ore 18:44  

Last night, I was just looking to move to the Netherlands...

Anonimo 24 luglio 2010 alle ore 01:42  


"Dedicato a tutti quelli che stanno scappando"

...ed era il 1991...

Un saluto da emigrante,
Papero :)

D21 24 luglio 2010 alle ore 09:53  

quanta verità...

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